第一部分 劳动合同期限的正确理解与适用
Part One Correctly understand and apply the employment contract period
Clarify the three types of terms of employment contract
The differences between Fixed-term Employment Contracts and Open-ended Employment Contracts
The relationship between employment contract term and a term of service
第二部分 无固定期限劳动合同的订立实务
Part Two Conclusion practice of Open-ended Employment Contracts
(一) 应当订立情形与相关实务
Conditions should conclude Open-ended Employment Contracts and related practice
Deemed as concluding Open-ended Employment Contracts and related practice
Several special treatments of special employees
第三部分 无固定期限劳动合同的履行和变更实务
Part Three Practice on performance and amendment of Open-ended Employment Contract
(一) 用人单位自身变化与合同履行实务
Practice of employer’s operation change and employment contract’s performance
(二) 调岗调薪与合同变更实务
Practice of transferring, compensation adjusting and employment contract’s amendment
第四部分 无固定期限劳动合同的终止和解除实务
Part Four Practice on termination or rescission of Open-ended Employment Contract
(一) 无固定期限劳动合同终止和解除情形对比
Comparison of Open-ended Employment Contract’s termination and rescission
(二) 用人单位非过错性解除实务
Practice of employer’s termination without fault of employee
(三) 用人单位经济性裁员实务
Practice of redundancy
(四) 用人单位过错性解除实务
Practice of employer’s termination with fault of employee
(五) 双方协商解除实务
Practice of termination by consultation
(六) 用人单位违法解除的法律责任
The employer’s legal liability about terminating employment contract illegally
第五部分 咨询答疑
Part Five Question and Answer