AIA International Financial Reporting Standards
第1天 Financial Statement Presentation(财务报表列报)
一、The context of financial reporting 国际财务报告环境
- The international standard setting process 国际会计准则制定程序
- IASB/IFRIC/IASC 国际会计准则制订机构的成立及发展
- IFRSs,IAS,IFRIC,SIC国际财务报告准则体系及特点
- The framework of financial reporting 国际财务报告框架
The users of financial information
The needs of accounting information users
The Accounting assumption
The qualitative characteristics of financial statements
- Case 1:Daimler-Benz 案例1: 戴姆勒奔驰
- IAS 1:Presentation of financial statements 财务报表的列报
- IAS 7:Cash Flow statement现金流量表
- Case 2:preparation of cash flow statements编制现金流量表案例
第2天 Assets and Revenue standards具体准则
- IAS 2:Inventory存货
- IFRS 5:Non-current assets held for sale持有待售的非流动资产和终止经营
- IAS 16:PPE 不动产、厂场和设备
- IAS 36: Impairment of Asset资产减值
- IAS 38:Intangible Asset 无形资产
- IAS 40:Investment property投资性房地产
- IFRS 7:Financial Instrument:disclosure金融工具:披露
- IFRS16:Leases 租赁
- IFRS 9:Financial Instrument 金融工具:确认和计量
- IFRS 15:Revenue from contract with customers 收入
- IAS 23:Borrowing cost借款费用
- Case3:financial analysis 财务报表分析案例
第3天Group Statements 投资与集团报表
- IFRS 3:Business Combination 企业合并
- IFRS10:Consolidated Statement 合并财务报表
- IAS 27:Investments in associates and Joint ventures 联营中的投资
- IAS 28:Investments in associates and Joint ventures 联营中的投资
-Case study 4 Vodafone案例4:Vodafone合并财务报表的编制
-Case study 5 Consolidated financial Statemens案例5:合并报表的编制